Friday, September 27, 2013

Swamp Frog

Growing up and living in South Florida definitely has a played a role  in the idea behind this. Around the neighborhood where I grew up, there was all of these creepy nature preserves. We'd often get these HUGE bufo toads hopping around, and those things are not afraid of anything! Haha! Enjoy!

**Update!!** I recently submitted this poster to my school's student art show, and I won "Best Alternative Art"! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sacred Bull

This is second try at color on this piece, I definitely like it much better! Woo for actually fixing and finishing personal projects!

Fictional Gig Poster - Grimes

This is a poster project that I created for my entry into my new college. I drew out the jellyfish in pencil, fine-tuning the composition, then went over the line work with pen and ink. I then added color and type using Adobe Illustrator. I personally love gig posters because they combine design and illustration. So this being my first real swing at doing a gig poster,  I'm pretty stoked on how it came out!